"This time, it’s going to be different. A brand new year, brimming with possibilities, and you’ve resolved to move through your house like a whirling tornado of can-do, fixing, painting, and organizing.
This year, nothing will stop you!
Welcome to your home improvement New Year’s Resolutions. Based on the most-common top-ten Time magazine, USA.gov, and other sources, we’ve put together an inspiring list of home management goals.
Ready for the New Year? Here it comes:

2. Quit smoking (purify indoor air)
3. Get out of debt (budget for improvements)
4. Learn something new (educate yourself on home finances)
5. Get organized (de-clutter)
6. Volunteer (support your community)
7. Drink less (curb home water use)
8. Spend more time with the family (share home improvement projects)
9. Get fit (exercise your DIY skills)
10. Be less stressed (use maintenance-free materials)"
Read more: http://www.houselogic.com/home-advice/maintenance-repair/houselogic-new-years-resolutions-home/#ixzz3MwDy1KpY
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